Rey Soy, Roland Stéphane Ndzie, born on November XNUMXth in Yaoundé, Cameroon, is an artist, singer and author, composer, performer, who is inspired by many musical genres, including world music which mainly speaks to him. Considering love to be the most beautiful of habits, he rebels against those who make fun of it! while promoting his mother tongue “Ewondo” and human values such as love of neighbor and sharing.
Rey Soy began to write in 2005, four years later thanks to the insistence of his comrades and friends, he joined the choir of La Chapelle du quartier!
In 2011, after obtaining his baccalaureate, Rey Soy left the choir and decided to start a solo career! It was then that, always thanks to acquaintances and friends, he began to tour studios, radios and even TVs. And, his very first album, Bebela, was released in 2017. An album of nine titles from which the titles are extracted: how is it? And Bebela. In November 2018, the single Ten more was released, while Rey Soy flew to Belgium to continue his studies and decided to concentrate there!
Four years after this musical silence, here is Rey Soy back, with a new single: Une Pause! Released on 16/12/2022
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