Mhd, will be tried before the Assize Court of Paris in the coming days, for the murder of a young man during a brawl in the summer of 2018, we learned from Agence France-Presse Friday, November 12.
The order of indictment of the artist dating from Wednesday, November 10, returns him to the assizes for intentional homicide, as well as eight other people. Two people were dismissed. The 27-year-old rapper faces a 30-year prison sentence.
A reminder of the facts
On the night of July 5 to 6, 2018, Loïc K., 23, was run over by a car, beaten up, then stabbed in the 10th arrondissement of the French capital. A dozen people attacked him, a scene filmed on a cell phone by a witness from a window, a key element of the case. Loïc K. very quickly died of his injuries.
The rapper's car from the 19th arrondissement, a recognizable black Mercedes, is the one that knocked down the young man, but several actors in the file ensure that the rapper lent it very regularly. In addition to this element, several witnesses indicated having formally identified Mhd, in particular by his haircut or a Puma brand tracksuit of which he was the ambassador.
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